
摘  要




Since the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, people’s living standards are constantly improving, per capita income is increasing steadily, the car has been integrated into every family, become People’s Daily good assistant. Driving saves us valuable time and improves our efficiency, but another serious problem comes into being. Traffic accidents caused by drunk driving occur frequently. Therefore, our drunk driving into the scope of criminal law. Therefore, it is necessary to design an intelligent instrument that can detect the alcohol content in the driver’s car and automatically control the engine. This design involves alcohol pyroelectric sensors, STM32 microcontroller, body, speech output, relay, LCD display and GSM parts, such as when a driver breath gas excess alcohol concentration, will send out sound and light alarm, and cut off the speech reminds engine ignition circuit control system, home information on their phones and send text messages. This device can set different thresholds according to different environments, accurately detect the concentration of alcohol in the air. The design idea of the anti-drunk driving system is mainly divided into two parts, the hardware part and the software control part. Hardware part mainly using alcohol concentration sensor to detect the alcohol concentration inside, the output of the electrical signal after A/D converter to single chip microcomputer, single chip microcomputer and its corresponding peripheral circuit of signal discrimination, finally present alcohol concentration value by displaying module, in the process, if beyond the default value is immediately banned the engine starts, otherwise ignition start smoothly. The software part mainly uses C language to write programs, and adopts modular independent design structure, which is convenient for subsequent debugging and modification.

Keywords:alcohol sensor; Human body infrared; Sound and light alarm; Voice broadcast; GSM


第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及实际意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

第2章 系统设计方案

2.1 方案1设计:

2.2 方案二设计:

第3章 硬件设计

3.1 主控电路模块

3.2 酒精浓度检测电路模块

3.3 人体红外检测电路模块

3.4 OLED显示电路模块

3.5 继电器电路模块

3.6 语音输出电路模块

3.7 GSM短信发送电路模块

3.8 报警提醒电路模块

3.9 独立按键电路模块

3.10 WIFI电路模块

4 系统程序设计

4.1 编程软件介绍

4.2 主程序流程设计

4.3 按键函数流程设计

4.4 显示函数流程设计

4.5 处理函数流程设计

第五章 实物测试

5.1 总体实物设计

5.2 酒精浓度检测实物测试

第六章 结论与展望




附录A: 原理图






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