随着国内的经济发展的加快,人们的生活水平在不断提高,房间装修也变得多种多 样,装饰装修材料中所含的污染物也越来越多,挥发到空气里的有害物质严重危害着人们的健康,所以在新房装修完入住之前要进行室内空气质量的检测。室内空气中主要污染物为甲醛、苯系物,而甲醛是最主要的有害物质之一,它主要来自装修中所用到的复合板材、乳胶漆等装修材料里,此次设计为了解决这个问题,设计一款空气质量检测系统,该系统分为软件设计和硬件设计,硬件设计包括:MS1100检测环境中的甲醛浓度,MQ-135检测甲苯的浓度,OLED将检测的数据进行显示,当检测到气体的浓度异常时,进行声光报警,并控制风扇和净化器的工作,使得空气中的环境处于正常的范围,蓝牙监测模块,将监测的数据传输到用户手机上,用户也可以通过手机远程控制通风或者净化器的工作,及其控制模式的切换;软件设计,此次设计采用Keil5作为此次设计的程序编程软件;通过软件和硬件配合使用,经过调试,此次设计可以准确检测环境中的甲苯、甲醛浓度,并及时控制外设进行处理,使得这些参数处于正常的范围之内,此外,此次设计还增加了远程监测和控制系统,用户可以远程接收监测的设计和远程对其进行控制;此次设计可以解决当前用户由于不及时了解当前环境中的空气参数进行实时监测,导致人们的生命安全和财产安全受到损失。
With the acceleration of domestic economic development, people’s living standards in the continuous improvement of room decoration has become a variety of samples, decoration materials contain more and more pollutants, volatilized into the air harmful substances seriously harm people’s health, so in the new house decoration before moving in to carry out indoor air quality detection. The main pollutants in indoor air are formaldehyde and benzene series, and formaldehyde is one of the most important harmful substances. It mainly comes from the decoration materials such as composite boards and latex paint used in the decoration. In order to solve this problem, the design of an air quality detection system is designed. MS1100 detects the concentration of formaldehyde in the environment, while MQ-135 detects the concentration of toluene. OLED will display the detected data. When abnormal gas concentration is detected, sound and light alarm will be carried out, and the fan and purifier will be controlled to make the environment in the air within the normal range. Users can also remotely control the work of ventilation or purifier and switch the control mode through their mobile phones. Software design, this design uses Keil5 as the design of the program programming software; Through the use of software and hardware, after debugging, the design can accurately detect the concentration of toluene and formaldehyde in the environment, and timely control the peripheral processing, so that these parameters are in the normal range, in addition, the design also adds a remote monitoring and control system, users can receive the design of remote monitoring and remote control; This design can solve the problem that the current users do not timely understand the air parameters in the current environment for real-time monitoring, resulting in the loss of people’s life and property safety.
Keywords:MCU; Formaldehyde detection; Toluene detection; Ventilation; Purifier; bluetooth
目 录
第一章 绪论
第二章 系统设计方案
第五章 实物测试
第六章 结论