





摘  要:体育比赛信息化、智能化是社会发展必然要求;为了使篮球比赛计时计分器具备功能强大,通用性高、价格便宜、可靠性高、抗于扰能力强等优势,设计并开发了一套基于STM32 单片机篮球比赛计时计分器系统,通过按键调整比赛时间(三个按键)、启停比赛时间(一个按键)、进行加分(每队3个,分别是1分,2分,3分)、可切换场地(一个按键);通过TTS语音播报模块及时播报比分情况,通过显示屏显示比赛时间、各队分数。借助 Keil编程工具实现了对控制程序的设计与调试,将程序拷贝到系统中,实现对系统功能的不同控制;经过实验仿真,该设计能完整实现比赛计时、计分、开始、暂停、提示和交换场地等功能,所使用的 OLED液晶显示屏相对传统LED示器具有显示清晰、多用途驱动的作用,并具备良好的实用性;该设计可以满足市场需求,具有较好的推广应用价值。


AbstractInformationization and intelligentization of sports competition are inevitable requirements of social development; In order to make the basketball game timing and scoring device with powerful function, high versatility, low price, high reliability, strong anti-interference ability and other advantages, design and develop a set of basketball game timing and scoring system based onSTM32 single chip microcomputer, through the buttons to adjust the game time (three buttons), start and stop the game time (one button), extra points (3 for each team, They are 1 point, 2 points, 3 points), switchable venue (one button); Through the TTS voice broadcast module timely broadcast the score, through the display screen to display the game time, each team score. Keil programming tool is used to realize the design and debugging of the control program. The program is copied to the system to realize the different control of the system functions. After experimental simulation, the design can fully realize the game timing, scoring, start, pause, prompt and exchange venue and other functions, the use of OLED compared with the traditional LED indicator has a clear display, multi-purpose driving role, and has good practicability; The design can meet the market demand and has good application value.

Key words basketball game scoring;STM32; OLED; Keil programming tool.


1 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及实际意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3本文的组织结构以及研究目标 2

2 系统设计方案 4

2.1 主要模块方案选择 4

2.1.1 主控芯片方案选择 4

2.1.2 显示模块方案选择 4

2.1.3 按键模块方案选择 5

2.2 整体设计方案 5

3 硬件设计 7

3.1单片机最小系统 7

3.1.1 主控模块电路 7

3.1.2 晶振电路 9

3.1.3 复位电路 11

3.1.4 电源电路 12

3.1.5 下载电路 15

3.2显示模块电路 15

3.3语音输出模块电路 16

3.4 独立按键模块电路 17

3.5 蜂鸣器报警电路模块 17

4 系统程序设计 19

4.1 编程软件介绍 19

4.2 主程序流程设计 19

4.3 按键函数流程设计 20

4.4 显示函数流程设计 21

4.5 处理状态函数流程设计 22

5实物测试 23

5.1 实物整体焊接测试 23

5.2 篮球比赛时间设置实物测试 23

5.3 篮球比赛过程实物测试 25

5.4 篮球比赛结束实物测试 27

6结论 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31

附录1:原理图 32

附录2:PCB 33

附录3:主程序 34




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