











The increasing demand for smart home systems in today’s society has led to the aim of this graduation project: to design and implement an intelligent shoe cabinet automatic control system based on the STC89C52 microcontroller. This system integrates various sensors and control modules to real-time monitor the temperature, humidity, ammonia gas concentration, and door status inside the shoe cabinet. It automatically performs operations such as heating, dehumidification, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), and ventilation based on the detection results, ensuring the shoes inside the cabinet remain dry, clean, and comfortable.The core control unit of the system adopts the STC89C52 microcontroller, which programs the collaborative operation of various functional modules. Specific functionalities include:Temperature and Humidity Control: Using the DHT11 sensor to monitor the temperature and humidity inside the shoe cabinet, the system automatically activates the heating element for drying when the humidity exceeds the preset maximum value. A fan is used to expel moisture. During heating, if the temperature surpasses the preset maximum value, the dehumidification operation stops automatically to maintain a safe temperature range.Ammonia Gas Detection and Treatment: With the MQ-135 sensor, the system detects abnormal increases in ammonia gas concentration inside the shoe cabinet. In such cases, the system triggers UVGI and initiates the fan for deodorization, ensuring fresh air within the cabinet.Door Status Detection: Using the Hall sensor, the system detects the open/close status of the shoe cabinet door. When the door is opened, the system automatically activates the lighting and deactivates the UVGI function, providing proper illumination.User Interaction and Settings: The system allows users to set the maximum humidity and ammonia gas concentration values using buttons. Users can manually control the disinfection light, dehumidification, ventilation, etc., and switch between different operation modes to meet varying needs.Display and Feedback: The real-time display on the LCD1602 screen shows measurements such as internal temperature, humidity, ammonia gas concentration, and current operational mode. This provides users with intuitive feedback on the system’s status.This design aims to enhance the intelligence of the shoe cabinet, offering convenient, comfortable, and hygienic user experiences. By integrating microcontroller, sensor, and control technologies, the design achieves the fundamental goals of a smart home system. It serves as a reference and inspiration for the future development of smart home technology.

Keywords: Smart shoe cabinet; Microcontroller control; Temperature and humidity monitoring; Ammonia gas detection; Automatic control system; User interaction interface..


基于单片机的多功能智能室内空气质量监测与控制系统 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 7

1.1课题设计背景与意义 7

1.2国内外发展历程 7

1.3研究目标及预期功能 8

第二章 设计思路与方案选择 9

2.1 主要元器件选择 9

2.1.1 主控芯片选择 9

2.1.2 温湿度检测模块方案选择 9

2.1.3 烟雾浓度检测模块方案选择 10

2.1.4 显示模块方案选择 11

2.2整体设计方案 11

第三章 硬件设计 14

3.1主控电路模块 14

3.2 温湿度检测电路模块 15

3.3 PM2.5检测电路模块 16

3.4 烟雾检测电路模块 17

3.5 甲醛检测电路模块 18

3.6 甲苯检测电路模块 19

3.7 TVOC检测电路模块 19

3.8 显示模块电路模块 20

3.9 声光报警电路模块 21

3.10 蓝牙模块电路模块 22

3.11 独立按键电路模块 23

3.12 继电器电路模块 23

第四章 系统程序设计 25

4.1 编程软件介绍 25

4.2 系统主流程设计 25

4.3 独立按键 26

4.4 温湿度检测模块子流程 27

4.5 蓝牙模块子流程 28

4.6OLED显示流程设计 29

第五章 实物测试 31

5.1整体实物测试 31

5.2 PM2.5检测实物测试 31

5.3 烟雾检测实物测试 33

5.4 甲醛检测实物测试 34

5.5 甲苯检测实物测试 36

5.6 温湿度检测实物测试 37

5.7 TVOC实物测试 39

5.8 远程测控实物测试 40

第六章 总结与展望 42

6.1 总结 42

6.2 展望 42

致谢 43

参考文献 44

附录 46

附录一 原理图 46

附录二:PCB 47

附录三:主程序 48




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