












With the increasing attention towards plant growth environments, this paper aims to design and implement a plant growth environment monitoring system based on the STC98C52 microcontroller. This system integrates various sensors and control modules to continuously monitor key environmental parameters for plant growth, including temperature, soil moisture, CO2 concentration, and light intensity. It automatically adjusts heating, cooling, water pumps, fans, and other devices based on measurement results to maintain the most suitable growth conditions. The core control unit of the system utilizes the STC98C52 microcontroller and employs programming to coordinate the collaborative operation of various functional modules.Specific functionalities include:Temperature Control: Utilizing the DS18B20 temperature sensor to monitor environmental temperature, the system automatically triggers heating or cooling mechanisms when the temperature exceeds preset upper and lower limits, accompanied by sound and light alarms, ensuring the stability of the plant growth environment.Soil Moisture Control: Through a soil moisture detection module, the system continuously monitors soil moisture levels. When moisture falls below the set threshold, the system activates the water pump for irrigation and triggers sound and light alarms to maintain appropriate soil moisture levels.CO2 Concentration Control: Employing the SGP30 sensor to measure CO2 concentration, the system engages the fan for ventilation when the concentration surpasses the preset value. Sound and light alarms are activated to maintain suitable CO2 levels.Light Intensity Control: Utilizing a photosensitive resistor to measure light intensity, the system activates supplementary lighting when light levels drop below the set threshold. Sound and light alarms are triggered to ensure sufficient light supply.CO Concentration Control: Utilizing the MQ-7 sensor to monitor CO concentration, the system initiates fan ventilation if the concentration exceeds the set value, along with sound and light alarms, to maintain a healthy plant growth environment.User Interaction and Settings: The system employs buttons for setting upper and lower limits of temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration, and light intensity. Users can manually control the on/off state of heating, cooling, water pumps, fans, and supplementary lighting, as well as switch between different operating modes to meet various plant growth requirements.Data Display: An LCD screen displays real-time measurement values, providing users with intuitive insights into the status and parameters of the plant growth environment.Through this design, the plant growth environment monitoring system effectively provides suitable conditions for plant growth, offering a more stable and optimal environment. The integration of microcontrollers, sensors, and control technology in this system offers valuable insights and references for the development of plant growth environment monitoring domains.

Keywords: Plant Growth Environment Monitoring System; Microcontroller; Sensors; Automated Regulation; Environmental Parameter Monitoring; Growth Condition Optimization..


基于单片机的植物生长环境监控系统设计 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 8

1.1课题设计背景与意义 8

1.2国内外发展历程 8

1.3研究目标及预期功能 9

第二章 设计思路与方案选择 10

2.1 主要元器件选择 10

2.1.1 主控芯片选择 10

2.1.2 温湿度检测模块方案选择 10

2.1.3 环境温度检测模块方案选择 11

2.1.4 CO检测模块方案选择 12

2.1.5 CO2检测模块方案选择 12

2.1.6 显示模块方案选择 13

2.2整体设计方案 13

第三章 硬件设计 16

3.1主控电路模块 16

3.2 环境温度检测电路模块 17

3.3 土壤湿度检测电路模块 18

3.4 CO2检测电路模块 19

3.5 CO检测电路模块 19

3.6 光照强度检测电路模块 20

3.7 显示模块电路模块 21

3.8 声光报警电路模块 22

3.9 继电器电路模块 22

第四章 系统程序设计 24

4.1 编程软件介绍 24

4.2 系统主流程设计 24

4.3 独立按键 26

4.4 温湿度检测模块子流程 27

4.5温度检测模块子流程 28

4.6 LCD1602液晶显示子流程 31

第五章 实物测试 33

5.1整体实物测试 33

5.2 环境温度检测实物测试 33

5.3 土壤湿度检测实物测试 35

5.4 CO2检测实物测试 36

5.5 CO检测实物测试 37

5.6 光照强度检测实物测试 38

第六章 总结与展望 40

致谢 41

参考文献 42

附录 44

附录一 原理图 44

附录二:PCB 45

附录三:主程序 46




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