








摘  要:近年来,我国发展迅速,供水问题愈加突出,农业灌溉用水量巨大,而且目前在我国农田灌溉中,灌水量多少还是取决于平常积累的灌溉经验,这种灌溉模式容易造成水资源严重浪费,因此在农业灌溉领域必须要运用节水智能灌溉技术,节约水资源,提升农田灌溉用水利用效率。




Design of intelligent irrigation system based on single

chip microcomputer

Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of our country, the problem of water supply is more and more prominent, the use of water in agricultural irrigation is huge, and the current situation in farmland irrigation in our country, the amount of water irrigation is still dependent on the common accumulation of irrigation experience, this irrigation model is prone to cause a serious waste of water resources, so we must use water-saving intelligent irrigation technology in agricultural irrigation and save water resources. Improve the efficiency of farmland irrigation water use.

In order to solve the problem of large irrigation water consumption and low utilization rate, a set of intelligent crop irrigation system was designed to achieve intelligent water-saving irrigation. The system is mainly divided into two parts: upper computer and lower computer. In the lower computer, STM32 is used as the main control chip, and the soil moisture in 4 areas is monitored in real time through 4 soil moisture detection modules, and transmitted to the controller. The controller analyzes and processes the soil moisture information collected by the sensor, and then controls the switch of the water pump. At the same time, the field controller is connected to the mobile phone and the remote monitoring platform through the Bluetooth module for data communication, real-time transmission and display of soil moisture information and irrigation information on the remote monitoring platform and mobile phone, while the remote monitoring platform and mobile phone can also send irrigation instructions to the controller. The irrigation time is set through the touch screen of the mobile phone or the upper computer. When the irrigation system receives the irrigation data, it carries out regular irrigation, and can also automatically irrigate according to soil moisture, so as to achieve the purpose of scientific irrigation, precise irrigation and intelligent water-saving irrigation.

Through tests and experiments, the system is easy to operate and reliable, and can effectively improve the utilization rate of water resources to achieve the effect of intelligent irrigation.

Key words:intelligent irrigation; Sensor; Mobile phone touch screen: MCU


摘  要 1

Abstract 1

  1. 绪论 1

1.1本文研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 2

1.3 主要研究内容 3

  1. 系统方案设计 1

2.1 主要元器件选择 1

2.1.1 主控模块方案选择 1

2.1.2 显示模块方案选择 1

2.1.3 按键方案选择 2

2.2 系统总体设计思路 2

  1. 硬件设计 1

3.1单片机最小系统 1

3.1.1主控模块电路 1

3.1.2 晶振电路 3

3.1.3 复位电路 5

3.1.4 电源电路 6

3.1.5 下载电路 7

3.2 土壤湿度监测电路模块 8

3.3显示模块电路设计 9

3.4 独立按键电路模块 11

3.5 继电器模块电路 12

3.6 无线传输模块电路 12

  1. 系统程序设计 1

4.1 编程软件介绍 1

4.2 系统主流程设计 1

4.3 独立按键 2

4.4 A/D模数转换子流程 3

4.5 蓝牙模块子流程 4

4.6 LCD1602液晶显示子流程 5

  1. 仿真与调试 7

5.1 总体仿真测试图 7

5.2 参数设置仿真测试 7

5.3 土壤湿度仿真测试 8

5.4 蓝牙模块仿真测试 10

  1. 实物制作与调试 1

6.1 实物制作 1

6.2 参数设置实物测试 1

6.3 土壤湿度实物测试 3

6.4 蓝牙模块实物测试 4

  1. 结论 1

参考文献 1

致  谢 1

附录 2

附录A: 原理图 2

附录B:PCB 3

附录C:程序 4




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