







At present, high-rise building is one of the main symbols of urban construction. In order to facilitate people to travel and work in the high-rise, many high-rise buildings in the design of the introduction of more and more intelligent and automated design. Elevator as a high-rise building design necessary equipment to strengthen and improve the function of the elevator as one of the main tasks of high-rise buildings.

This design is a six-storey elevator, the design is designed through the coordination of software and hardware, the design can realize the weight monitoring of the current elevator personnel, monitoring the weight is greater than the maximum value of the set sound and light alarm to remind, to prevent the weight of the elevator is greater than the maximum value of the set fault, but also to prevent the elevator in the case of large human weight damage. Real-time display of the current elevator floor through the digital tube. When the elevator reaches the corresponding floor, the corresponding indicator light of the current floor is lit to remind, and real-time display of the current elevator running status is up or down. In order to prevent people from being trapped in the elevator when it fails, the design adds the function of intercom, so that users can know whether there are trapped people through the machine when the elevator fails. This design can solve the problem of not being able to find trapped people in time when an accident occurs in the elevator and meet the needs of people using the elevator.

Key words:  six-floor elevator; Overweight monitoring; An intercom; Digital tube


摘要 I

第1章  绪论 5

1.1 选题背景及实际意义 5

1.2 国内外发展历程 5

1.3 此次设计研究目的及其框架 6

第2章 系统设计方案 7

2.1 主要元器件选择 7

2.1.1 主控芯片选择 7

2.1.2 电机模块方案选择 7

2.1.3 显示方案选择 7

2.1.4 按键模块方案选择 8

2.2 整体设计方案 8

第3章 硬件电路设计 10

3.1 主控电路原理图设计 10

3.2 压力传感器原理图设计 12

3.3 数码管显示电路原理图设计 12

3.4 继电器电路原理图设计 13

3.5 报警提醒电路原理图设计 13

3.6 指示灯电路原理图设计 14

3.7 步进电机电路原理图设计 14

3.8 矩阵键盘电路原理图设计 15

第4章 系统程序设计 17

4.1 主程序流程设计 17

4.2 按键函数流程设计 17

4.3 处理函数流程设计 18

4.4 压力检测流程设计 19

4.5 上下电机运行流程设计 20

4.6 从机主程序流程设计 21

第5章 实物制作与调试过程 22

5.1 电路焊接总图 22

5.2 电梯上行检测实物测试 22

5.3 电梯下行检测实物测试 24

5.4 电梯超重实物测试 26

5.5 电梯故障实物测试 27

结束语 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30

附录 31

附录一:原理图 31

附录二:PCB 33

附录三:主程序 35




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