



摘 要


本文通过研究红外测温理论相关基础知识,分析了当前疫情下需的人体测温方法,对人体红外测温系统的性能要求和功能要求进行了分析,给出了人体红外测温系统的总体设计方案在硬件设计上,使用STC89C52作为整个系统的控制芯片,选用MLX90614高精度红外温度传感器进行人体温度的测量,选用蓝牙实现无线通信传输,选用LCD1602 显示屏实时显示温度和设置阈值。在自动模式下,每秒采集一次温度,当温度不在设置的上下限之间,进行蜂鸣器报警。手动模式下,通过按键采集温度值,每按一次按键,采集一次温度,当温度不在设置的上下限之间,进行蜂鸣器报警,并通过AT24C02将数据保存。设计完成了人体红外测温系统的各个模块的硬件电路图和整体电路图,并根据系统的整体电路图绘制和制作了 PCB 板。在软件程序设计上,设计完成了人体红外测温系统的总体程序流程图以及各个功能模块的程序,并对采集到的人体温度进行数据预处理。




Temperature is an important indicator reflecting the physical condition of the human body and an important method for clinical diagnosis and disease screening. In recent years, various infectious diseases have occurred frequently around the world, posing a serious threat to global human health. In order to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, it is of great significance to research and develop a high-precision human body temperature measurement system that is sensitive to environmental temperature and measurement distance when measuring human body temperature using previously designed infrared thermometers.

This article studies the basic knowledge of infrared temperature measurement theory, analyzes the human body temperature measurement methods required under the current epidemic situation, analyzes the performance and functional requirements of the human body infrared temperature measurement system, and provides the overall design plan of the human body infrared temperature measurement system. In terms of hardware design, STC89C52 is used as the control chip of the entire system, and MLX90614 high-precision infrared temperature sensor is selected for human body temperature measurement, Bluetooth is used for wireless communication transmission, and LCD1602 display screen is used to display temperature and set threshold in real-time. In automatic mode, temperature is collected once a second, and when the temperature is not between the set upper and lower limits, a buzzer alarm will sound. In manual mode, the temperature value is collected by pressing the button. Each time the button is pressed, the temperature is collected. When the temperature is not between the set upper and lower limits, a buzzer alarm is triggered, and the data is saved through AT24C02. We have designed and completed the hardware circuit diagrams and overall circuit diagrams of each module of the human infrared temperature measurement system, and have drawn and made a PCB board based on the overall circuit diagram of the system. In terms of software program design, the overall program flowchart of the human body infrared temperature measurement system and the programs of each functional module have been designed and completed, and the collected human body temperature data has been preprocessed.

After the hardware and software design is completed, relevant human body temperature measurement experiments are conducted. This system can achieve real-time temperature monitoring of the human body, communicate and display the monitoring temperature in real time, and also have an alarm function. Due to its non-contact, fast response, high accuracy, and ability to reflect body temperature close to the core temperature, it is suitable for accurate and rapid body temperature screening in public places.

Key words: STC89C52 microcontroller; Infrared obstacle avoidance; Non contact infrared temperature measurement; Bluetooth; Human body temperature

目  录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及其意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本论文研究目标 2

1.4 本章小结 3

2 系统方案设计 4

2.1 总体框架设计 4

2.2 主要器件方案选择 4

2.2.1主控芯片选择 4

2.2.2 温度检测方案选择 5

2.2.3 显示方案选择 5

2.3 本章小结 6

3 硬件设计 7

3.1主控模块电路设计 7

3.2 非接触温度检测模块电路 8

3.3 存储模块 9

3.4 LCD1602显示电路模块 9

3.5 报警提醒电路模块 10

3.6 独立按键电路模块 11

3.7 蓝牙模块电路 12

3.8 本章小结 13

4 系统程序设计 14

4.1 编程软件介绍 14

4.2 系统主流程设计 14

4.3 存储模块子流程 15

4.4 独立按键 16

4.5 温度检测模块子流程 17

4.6 LCD1602液晶显示子流程 18

4.7 蓝牙模块子流程 19

4.8 本章小结 20

5 仿真测试 21

5.1 整体仿真测试图 21

5.2人体温度仿真测试 21

5.3蓝牙模块仿真测试 23

5.4 本章小结 23

6 实物调试 24

6.1 实物制作与调试 24

6.2 人体温度实物测试 24

6.3蓝牙模块实物测试 26

6.4 本章小结 27

7 总结 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

附录 31

附录一: 原理图 31

附录二:PCB 32

附录三:主程序: 33




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