



摘   要





In recent years, with the rapid development of network communication technology, electronic technology, and computer technology, as well as the rapid development of social economy and the increasing improvement of people’s living standards, people’s requirements for their homes have become increasingly high. People not only hope for warm and comfortable living rooms, but also put forward higher requirements for their safety and intelligence. The rapid development of modern electronic information technology and communication technology has provided strong technical support for the research of intelligent and secure housing. At present, the main anti-theft method in China is to install anti-theft doors and locks, but this type of equipment is mainly used to increase the difficulty of burglars entering the house to achieve anti-theft purposes. This simple mechanical device, when left unattended for a long time, often has unsatisfactory anti-theft effects and affects the aesthetics of the house, making it difficult for people to escape from fire

This article is a home intelligent fire and anti-theft alarm system based on the STC89C52 microcontroller. It is a convenient and reliable intelligent alarm system that utilizes sensors to achieve safety monitoring and alarm functions required by families such as fire prevention, anti-theft, and automatic control. Using infrared, flame, temperature, combustible gas, temperature and other sensors to monitor household safety in real-time. If there are any abnormalities, the system will promptly control the solid-state relay through a microcontroller to detect a fire and control the water pump to work. If the gas is detected to be greater than the set maximum value, the ventilation fan will be controlled to open. If a person is detected to stay for a long time, an audible and visual alarm will be given to remind. This system enables family owners to timely understand various information at home, ensuring greater safety for the family.

Keywords: microcontroller; Fire and theft prevention; Audible and visual alarm; Water pump; improve air circulation.

目    录

1 绪   论 1

1.1 研究背景目的及其研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 实现功能 4

2 系统主题设计 5

2.1 系统框架设计 5

2.2 主要模块方案选择 6

2.2.1 主控模块方案选择 6

2.2.2 显示模块方案选择 6

2.2.3 火焰检测模块方案选择 7

2.2.4 可燃气体检测模块电路 8

2.2.5 温度检测模块电路 9

2.2.6 人体检测模块电路 10

3 硬件设计 12

3.1 主控模块电路 12

3.2 火焰检测模块电路 13

3.3 烟雾检测模块电路 14

3.4 可燃气体检测模块电路 15

3.5 温度检测模块电路 16

3.6 人体热释电检测模块电路 16

3.7 OLED显示模块电路 17

3.8 继电器模块电路 17

3.9 按键模块电路 18

3.10 声光报警模块电路 19

4 系统程序设计 20

4.1 编程软件介绍 20

4.2 系统主流程设计 20

4.3 独立按键 22

4.4 温度检测模块子流程 23

4.5 OLED显示流程设计 25

5 实物的制作与调试 27

5.1 整体实物焊接图 27

5.2 火焰测控实物测试 27

5.3 烟雾测控实物测试 29

5.4 可燃气体测控实物测试 31

5.5 温度测控实物测试 33

5.6 防盗测控实物测试 35

6 结  论 38

参考文献 39

致  谢 40

附录 41

附录1:原理图 41附录2:PCB 42

附录3:主程序 43




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