
8、通过WIFI 模块连接手机端,手机端可获取各测量数据,并可控制开关照明灯、风扇、窗帘、切换模式








基于物联网的家居智能测控与远程监测系统旨在实现多重功能,提升家居的舒适性、便捷性和安全性。系统利用各类传感器和智能控制模块,通过互联网连接,实现了智能化的监测和控制,同时通过手机应用提供远程访问和控制能力。系统的核心功能包括:人体热释电感应模块: 通过D203S感应模块检测人体热释电信号,实现自动开启照明灯。当有人进入检测范围,系统自动识别并启动照明灯,提供足够的照明。温度监测与风扇控制: 利用DS18B20温度传感器监测室内温度。一旦温度超过设定的最大值,系统自动启动风扇,以降低室内温度,确保舒适度。光敏电阻与窗帘控制: 光敏电阻感测室内光照强度。当光照强度过高且有人时,系统关闭窗帘模拟步进电机的动作,以遮挡过多的阳光,保持室内舒适度。液位传感器与声光报警: 通过液位传感器监测地面液位,一旦液位超过预设值,系统触发声光报警,同时在手机应用上显示警告信息,提醒用户检查可能的水患。电源线温度监测与报警: 防水式DS18B20传感器用于监测电源线温度,当温度超过设定值,系统触发声光报警并在手机应用上显示警告信息,以预防过热风险。按键控制与设置: 设备上的按键允许用户手动设置阈值、手动控制设备(照明、风扇、窗帘)、切换模式等。显示屏数据显示: 系统配备显示屏,实时显示各项测量数据,使用户随时了解家居环境状况。手机远程控制: 利用WIFI模块连接互联网,用户可以通过手机应用远程获取各项测量数据,同时远程控制照明、风扇、窗帘等设备,提高家居智能化水平。这一系统为用户提供了实时的家居监测和智能控制能力,有助于提升居住环境的品质、安全性和能源效率。



Based on the Internet of Things (IoT), the home intelligent measurement and control system aims to achieve multiple functionalities, enhancing home comfort, convenience, and safety. The system employs various sensors and intelligent control modules, connected through the internet, to achieve intelligent monitoring and control. Additionally, remote access and control capabilities are provided through a mobile application. The core features of the system include:Human Body Pyroelectric Detection Module: Utilizing the D203S module, human body pyroelectric signals are detected to automatically activate lighting. When someone enters the detection range, the system identifies and activates the lighting to provide sufficient illumination.Temperature Monitoring and Fan Control: DS18B20 temperature sensors are used to monitor indoor temperature. If the temperature exceeds the set maximum value, the system automatically activates the fan to lower the indoor temperature and ensure comfort.Photosensitive Resistor and Curtain Control: The photosensitive resistor detects indoor light intensity. When the light intensity is excessive and there are occupants, the system closes the curtains using a simulated stepper motor action to block excessive sunlight and maintain indoor comfort.Liquid Level Sensor and Audio-Visual Alarm: A liquid level sensor monitors ground water levels. If the liquid level surpasses the preset value, the system triggers an audio-visual alarm and displays a warning message on the mobile application, reminding users to inspect potential water hazards.Power Line Temperature Monitoring and Alarm: A waterproof DS18B20 sensor is used to monitor power line temperature. If the temperature exceeds the set value, the system triggers an audio-visual alarm and displays a warning message on the mobile application, preventing overheating risks.Button Control and Settings: On-device buttons enable users to manually set thresholds, manually control devices (lighting, fan, curtains), and switch modes.Display Screen Data Presentation: The system is equipped with a display screen that presents real-time measurement data, enabling users to stay informed about the home environment’s status.Mobile Remote Control: Utilizing a WiFi module to connect to the internet, users can remotely access measurement data through a mobile application. Additionally, they can remotely control devices such as lighting, fans, and curtains, enhancing home intelligence.This system provides users with real-time home monitoring and intelligent control capabilities, contributing to improved living environment quality, safety, and energy efficiency.

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); Home Intelligence; Sensors; Remote Monitoring; Measurement and Control..


基于物联网的家居智能测控与远程监测系统设计 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 7

1.1课题设计背景与意义 7

1.2国内外发展历程 7

1.3研究目标及预期功能 8

第二章 设计思路与方案选择 10

2.1 主要元器件选择 10

2.1.1 主控芯片选择 10

2.1.2 环境温度检测模块方案选择 10

2.1.3 人体监测模块方案选择 11

2.1.4 光照强度监测方案选择 12

2.1.5 显示模块方案选择 13

2.2整体设计方案 14

第三章 硬件设计 16

3.1主控电路模块 16

3.2 人体热释电检测电路模块 17

3.3 环境温度监测电路模块 18

3.4 光照强度监测电路模块 19

3.5 水位监测电路模块 20

3.6 电源电路监测电路模块 21

3.7 显示模块电路模块 22

3.8 继电器电路模块 22

3.9 步进电机模块电路模块 23

3.10 独立按键电路模块 24

3.11 声光报警电路模块 25

3.12 WiFi无线传输电路模块 26

第四章 系统程序设计 28

4.1 编程软件介绍 28

4.2 系统主流程设计 28

4.3 独立按键 30

4.4 温度检测模块子流程 30

4.5 步进电机子流程 33

4.6 OLED显示流程设计 34

4.7 WiFi模块子流程设计 35

第五章 实物测试 38

5.1整体实物测试 38

5.2人体检测实物测试 38

5.3 环境温度检测实物测试 39

5.4 光照强度检测实物测试 40

5.5 液位检测实物测试 42

5.6 电源线温度检测实物测试 43

5.7 手机远程测控实物测试 44

第六章 总结与展望 45

致谢 46

参考文献 47

附录 49

附录一:原理图 49

附录二:PCB 50

附录三:主程序 51




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