







摘  要

在当今社会,随着人口老龄化的加剧,老年驾驶员在道路交通中所占的比例逐渐增加。然而,老年驾驶员的驾驶能力和反应速度往往会随着年龄的增长而下降,这可能会导致驾驶中的安全隐患。为了保障老年驾驶员的安全,减少交通事故的发生,需要引入创新技术来提升老年驾驶员的驾驶体验和道路安全。此次设计一个基于STM32F103C8T6单片机的车辆安全驾驶预警系统。该系统结合多种传感器与模块,旨在提升车辆驾驶的安全性和老年驾驶员的驾驶体验。具体功能如下:速度检测与显示: 通过红外测速模块实时监测老年车辆的速度,并将测得的速度显示在控制面板上,使驾驶员能够清楚了解自己的行驶速度。障碍物检测与预警: 超声波测距模块用于测量车辆前方障碍物的距离。根据障碍物的距离,系统以不同颜色的灯光进行预警。同时,如果距离处于危险范围内且车速不为0,系统会发出语音提醒“危险,注意减速”;若距离过近,系统还将自动刹车。驾驶员健康监测: 心率和血氧模块用于监测驾驶员的心率和血氧水平。如果心率或血氧高于或低于设定值,系统会进行声光报警,提醒驾驶员注意自身健康状况。一键报警功能: 在车内设置了一键报警按键,一旦驾驶员遇到紧急情况,可随时按下按键向家人发出求救信号。个性化阈值设置:驾驶员可以通过按键设定各种预警和报警的阈值,以适应不同的驾驶环境和个人需求。数据显示: 设备配备了OLED显示屏,实时显示速度、障碍物距离、驾驶员健康状况等数据,使驾驶员能够方便地获取信息。远程数据传输: 借助4G模块,系统可以将驾驶数据远程发送到驾驶员的手机端,以便驾驶员或家人进行实时监控。通过将这些功能融合在一起,该车辆安全驾驶预警系统不仅能够帮助老年驾驶员更安全地驾驶,还可以提供健康监测和紧急求助功能,从而为道路安全和驾驶员的身体健康提供了一种创新的解决方案。未来的研究可以进一步优化系统性能、扩展功能,以满足更多用户需求。



In today’s society, with the intensification of population aging, the proportion of elderly drivers in road traffic is gradually increasing. However, the driving ability and reaction speed of elderly drivers often decline with age, which may lead to safety hazards while driving. In order to ensure the safety of elderly drivers and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, it is necessary to introduce innovative technologies to enhance the driving experience and road safety of elderly drivers. This study designs a vehicle safety driving warning system based on the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller. This system combines various sensors and modules to enhance both the safety of vehicle driving and the driving experience of elderly drivers.The specific functions are as follows:Speed Detection and Display: The infrared speed measurement module is used to monitor the speed of the elderly vehicle in real-time. The measured speed is displayed on the control panel, enabling the driver to have a clear understanding of their driving speed.Obstacle Detection and Warning: The ultrasonic distance measurement module is employed to measure the distance to obstacles in front of the vehicle. Based on the distance to the obstacle, the system provides warnings using different colors of lights. Additionally, if the distance falls within the danger zone and the vehicle speed is not zero, the system issues a voice reminder “Danger, please slow down.” If the distance is too short, the system will automatically apply the brakes.Driver Health Monitoring: Heart rate and blood oxygen modules are used to monitor the driver’s heart rate and blood oxygen levels. If the heart rate or blood oxygen levels exceed or fall below the set values, the system triggers audio and visual alerts to remind the driver to pay attention to their health status.One-Button Alarm Function: A one-button alarm button is installed in the vehicle. In case of emergencies, the driver can press the button to send a distress signal to family members.Personalized Threshold Setting: The driver can use buttons to set various thresholds for warnings and alarms to adapt to different driving environments and personal preferences.Data Display: The device is equipped with an OLED display screen that shows real-time data such as speed, obstacle distance, and driver’s health status, making it convenient for the driver to access information.Remote Data Transmission: With the help of the 4G module, the system can remotely transmit driving data to the driver’s mobile phone, enabling real-time monitoring by the driver or family members.By integrating these functions, this vehicle safety driving warning system not only assists elderly drivers in driving more safely but also provides health monitoring and emergency assistance features, thus offering an innovative solution for road safety and the well-being of drivers. Future research could focus on further optimizing system performance and expanding functionalities to cater to diverse user needs.

Keywords: Vehicle Safety; Driving Warning System; Microcontroller Technology; Elderly Drivers; Traffic Safety

目  录

基于单片机的车辆安全驾驶预警系统设计 I

第1章  绪论 1

1.1  研究背景及实际意义 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 1

1.3  研究目标 2

第2章  系统方案设计 3

2.1  主要元器件选择 3

2.1.1  主控芯片方案选择 3

2.1.2  距离检测方案选型 3

2.1.3  车速检测模块方案选择 4

2.1.4  心率血氧检测模块方案选择 4

2.2  整体方案设计 5

 第3章  系统硬件设计 7

3.1  主控模块电路 7

3.2  显示模块电路 8

3.3  车辆速度监测模块 9

3.4  距离采集模块 10

3.5  心率血氧检测模块电路设计 11

3.6  语音输出模块 12

3.7  直流电机驱动模块 13

3.8  按键模块电路 14

3.9  4G模块 14

3.10 声光报警模块电路 15

3.11 指示灯模块电路 16

第四章 系统程序设计 18

4.1 编程软件介绍 18

4.2 系统主流程设计 18

4.3 独立按键 19

4.4 超声波检测模块子流程 20

4.4 OLED显示流程设计 23

4.5 直流电机-MX1508驱动模块子流程 23

第5章 实物测试 25

5.1  实物调试部分 25

5.2  整体实物测试图 25

5.3  车辆行驶安全检测实物测试 26

5.4  心率血氧检测实物测试 27

5.5  按键报警实物测试 27

总结与展望 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31

附录 33

附录一:原理图 33

附录二:PCB 34

附录三:主程序 35




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