




本文了解显示屏工作原理的基础上,采用了软硬件设计的方式进行研究。硬件部分以STC89C52单片机为核心控制器件,利用蓝牙和显示屏技术,设计一款能耗低、散热性强的显示屏,有效降低资源的浪费。本文通过手机蓝牙连接主板,实现手机APP发送显示内容的功能,通过LCD12864显示屏实现显示内容的功能,通过一对蓝牙,一个连接主板,另一个连接电脑,实现通信功能,此外,电脑还可以实现发送显示内容的功能。软件部分使用 Keil5 编程算法,进行系统程序的编写和运行,最后实现对广告显示屏的控制。通过实物测试,该广告显示屏效果较好,不仅实现合理利用资源,还起到降低成本、弥补传统显示屏缺陷的作用。

关键词STC89C52单片机  显示屏  蓝牙  LCD12864

Design of intelligent advertising screen system based on single chip microcomputer


With the continuous advancement of display screen technology, various types of display screens are increasingly being used in people’s daily lives. However, these displays suffer from problems such as monotonous design, poor heat dissipation, low work efficiency, and lack of innovation. In order to promote the rapid development of the display screen industry, we have designed an intelligent display screen based on user needs, aiming to better meet people’s demands for display screens and lead the innovation and development of display screen technology.

On the basis of understanding the working principle of the display screen, the design of hardware and software is used for research. The hardware part uses STC89C52 microcontroller as the core control device, and uses Bluetooth and display technology to design an advertising screen with low energy consumption and strong heat dissipation, effectively reducing the waste of resources. In this design, mobile APP is connected to the motherboard to realize the function of sending and displaying contents, and LCD12864 display screen to realize the function of displaying contents. Through a pair of Bluetooth, one is connected to the motherboard and the other is connected to the computer to realize the communication function. In addition, computer can also realize the function of sending and displaying contents. The software part uses Keil5 and C language programming algorithm to write and run the system program, and finally realizes the control of advertising display screen. Through the real test, the advertising display effect is good, not only to realize the rational use of resources, but also to reduce the cost, make up for the traditional display defects.

Key Words  STC89C52 MCU  Advertising screen  Bluetooth  LCD12864

目   录

摘要 3

Abstract 4

第一章 绪论 5

1.1选题背景及实际意义 5

1.2国内外研究现状 6

1.3 本文设计的功能和组织结构 6

第二章 系统方案设计 9

2.2 广告屏系统整体方案设计 11

图1广告屏整体设计系统框图 11

2.3 主要器件方案选择 11

第三章 显示屏硬件电路设计 14

3.1 主控模块电路 14

3.2 显示电路模块 15

3.3 蓝牙模块电路 17

第四章 显示屏软件电路设计 20

4.1 软件编程平台介绍 20

4.2 系统主函数流程图设计 21

4.3 系统显示函数流程图设计 22

4.4 蓝牙模块子流程 22

第五章 设计制作及调试 24

5.1元件的焊接与组装 24

5.2 手机发送信息实物测试 25

5.3 电脑发送信息实物测试 27

总    结 29

致    谢 30

参考文献 31

附录 33

附录A:原理图 33

附录B:PCB 34

附录C:程序 35




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