In this project, STC89C51 single chip microcomputer is used as the core control, and a city road noise detection and control system is designed. In the working process, it can sense the noise signal through its internal high-performance sound sensor, convert it into analog voltage signal and send it to the single chip microcomputer for processing, so that the system can obtain the noise intensity, At the same time, through the high-definition LCD screen to display the detected data. In this paper, STC89C51 single chip microcomputer is used as the main control center, and the minimum system of single chip microcomputer, LCD display circuit, noise detection circuit, alarm circuit and key circuit are constructed on the hardware level. At the software system level, keil software is used as the design platform. On this platform, the C language code program is coded, translated and compiled into machine code. It is burned into STC89C51 single chip microcomputer chip to run. Through the control and drive of each functional sub module, the expected functional indicators are achieved. In the process of debugging and operation, the noise detection and control system has obvious defects and faults. Through repeated testing and debugging, the problem is finally returned to zero, so that the noise detection and control system can operate stably and normally. The design results show high practicability and are suitable for promotion, The implementation of this system can effectively reduce the R & D cost of related products on the market.
Keywords:Urban road noise detection; lcd; Analog voltage acquisition; Single chip microcomputer control system;
1 引言
2 方案设计及元器件选择
3 系统硬件设计
4 系统软件设计
5 实物制作与安装