
摘   要


LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3作为第三代乐高智能机器人,它产于乐高公司,该公司在2013年成功上市,备受广大消费者的青睐。乐高EV3的适用范围相对固定,它只能连接计算机和另一台EV3进行正常通信,与其他设备相连无法完成通信功能。有学者尝试用通过转接板让Arduino对乐高积木进行连接,该转接板可以与乐高电机和传感器直接连接,起到Arduino替换乐高程序块的作用,并实现Arduino对乐高电机和传感器的直接控制功能。此外,有关学者也对APP程序进行编写,通过手机APP直接控制乐高EV3。本设计也对EV3的蓝牙通信模块也进行了相关探索,这个方法不仅节省通信时间,还不需要转接板进行转接,只需要一个蓝牙模块,就能实现Arduino与乐高机器人的互相通讯和协同工作,此次设计针对蓝牙控制小车进行循迹和避障功能进行设计。



With the intelligent development of facilities and equipment, the design and practice of intelligent robot has developed into a comprehensive course of theory and practice, which requires learners to have the basis of mathematics and computer science, its purpose is to cultivate learners’ ability of system design, programming, design optimization and data analysis, familiar with Lego EV3 intelligent robot, The robot platform has many kinds of parts, flexible interface, easy to use and other special, very suitable for teaching environment to educate people, this design is based on the EV3 platform design of an intelligent car, this paper mainly in the framework of the system, system environment and configuration scheme, test results and other aspects of in-depth exploration, A comprehensive introduction to the EV3 platform in teaching methods and steps.

The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 is the third generation of intelligent Lego robots created by Lego, which went public in 2013 and has been a hit with consumers. The application scope of LEGO EV3 is relatively fixed. It can only connect a computer to another EV3 for normal communication, and cannot complete the communication function when connected with other devices. Some scholars try to connect the LEGO blocks with Arduino through the adapter board. The adapter board can be directly connected with the LEGO motor and sensor, playing the role of replacing the Lego program block with Arduino, and realizing the direct control function of Arduino on the Lego motor and sensor. In addition, relevant scholars also wrote the APP program, through the mobile phone APP directly control Lego EV3. This design also explores the Bluetooth communication module of EV3. This method not only saves communication time, but also does not require switching board. Only one Bluetooth module is needed to realize the mutual communication and collaborative work between Arduino and LEGO robot.

Key words: EV3; Arduino; Bluetooth; Follow the trac


1 绪   论 6

1.1 研究背景及其研究意义 6

1.2 国内外研究现状 6

1.2.1 国内研究现状 7

1.2.2 国外研究现状 8

1.3 研究目标 8

2 系统方案设计 10

2.1 系统方案选择 10

2.1.1. 主控模块方案选择 10

2.1.2 颜色监测模块方案选择 10

2.2.3 车轮驱动模块方案选择 11

2.2 系统方案设计 11

2.3Arduino与乐高程序块通讯的原理 13

2.4 Arduino与乐高的蓝牙连接 13

3硬件电路 153.1主控模块电路 15

3.2 颜色传感器模块电路 15

3.3驱动电机模块电路 16

4 软件设计 17

4.1 编程软件介绍 17

4.2 主程序流程设计 17

4.3 用Arduino发送EV3蓝牙直接命令的实例 18

5 机器人器件的搭建 19

5.1车轮的拼装 19

5.2 车身支架安装 19

5.3 电机驱动的安装 20

5.4万向轮的安装 20

5.5 颜色传感器安装 21

5.6 整体搭建图 22

6实物测试 24

6.1 整体实物设计 24

6.2 循迹模式实物测试 24

7结论 27

致   谢 28

参考文献 29

附录 31

附录一:原理图 31

附录二:实物图 32

附录三:主程序 33




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